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Search // spiritual
Results 1-12 of 59 for ' spiritual ' (0 seconds)
Video Sections from #1 EETAOW, #2 Alpha Course, #3 Padina's Story, #4 Sung-Chul, #5 One for Israel
Tags // spiritual  food  testimonies 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 1652 days ago by DivineRevelations
Runtime: 28m28s | Views: 689 | Comments: 0
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Ten years after her Blind Date With God began, Joycee is at peace with her past. She has forgiven the unfathomable and wants to share her story. Her book tells the good, bad and ugly truth of the healing process she walked through – bringing with it a strong message that anything is possible to overcome if we are willing to be honest with ourselves. It’s a riveting journey of forgiving herself and those who have harmed her. In the midst of her painful journey is where 414 Ministry was birthed. A nonprofit that empowers and equips victims to become thriving survivors for such a time as this. Find out more and get to know Joycee here- Email her here – Find out more about 414 Ministry here- Non-Fiction/Christian
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 2205 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 919 | Comments: 0
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A Haunting Journey to Destiny- A Fictional Look at the Early Life of King David One of the most prominent names in the Bible is that of King David, who is a significant spiritual figure in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The story of “David and Goliath” has become one of the most recognizable tropes in our culture. The Leper Messiah, by Robert M. Levinson, takes a dark, often mystical walk through the life of this iconic figure. Levinson’s book explores the forces, both human and magical, that molded a shepherd boy into a king destined to unite the tribes of Israel. This is not a religious book. It’s a work of historical fiction that reimagines the life of King David on multiple levels. Media contact: Scott Lorenz Westwind Book Marketing 734-667-2090 Historical Fiction/Religion
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2216 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 779 | Comments: 0
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The brand invited three final candidates to travel the world with a suitcase full of whisky on an epic 10-day journey as part of The Greatest Job Interview in the World. Their journeys echoed the legendary trip undertaken in 1909 by Charles Grant Gordon, son-in-law of company founder William Grant. If this is the interview, imagine what the job is like. The opportunity captured imaginations all over the world, generating almost 5,000 applications from candidates in 103 countries. Hopefuls were initially narrowed down to 20 who were flown from 13 countries to attend ‘The Mixer’ event in Dufftown, Scotland, the brand’s spiritual home. After a series of challenges, three finalists – Amy, a PE teacher living in Madrid; Danny, a whisky barman from Edinburgh and Linda, a radio presenter from Johannesburg - were then each sent to three different worldwide destinations to ‘live the job’ for ten days. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2644 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 766 | Comments: 2
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A universally recognized Yoga and Meditation school, Rishikul Yogshala aims at spreading the wisdom of yoga through detailed research on ancient philosophies and teachings of yoga that allow students to not only learn the physical aspects of yoga but the spiritual and mental ones. Headquartered in Rishikesh, Rishikul Yogshala is the highest reviewed yoga school for offering quality yogic education and the perfect setting to reap maximum benefits of this sacred discipline. Rishikul Yogshala (RYS200, RYS300) conducts 200 hour, 300 hour and 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training along with yoga retreats and workshops. It is recognized in India as well as other countries for its traditional and seasoned yoga gurus who hold rich expertise in teaching yoga asanas, philosophy, anatomy, meditation and teaching methodology. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3051 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m40s | Views: 692 | Comments: 0
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When a serious illness enters a family's life, there are many questions to ask and decisions to make. It is important to answer these questions quickly. The process can seem overwhelming. However, hospice care can be a wonderful resource for information about symptom management and comfort care. Hospice care professionals are available to help assess goals, pain management and care options during the decision-making process. Are your symptoms minimal or moderate? Are these symptoms just starting to affect your life? If you want to continue treatment but also need comfort and symptom management, palliative care (often called comfort care) maybe an option. Palliative care is patient and family-centered care that optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing and treating suffering. Palliative care specialists address the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of patients and families, making sure they have access to all the information about the disease progression and the choices ahead. A patient can receive palliative care in conjunction with other treatments or therapies. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3396 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 825 | Comments: 0
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Puja rituals are an integral part of Hindu culture. In order to stand out from numerous startups, currently competing with each other in the spiritual market domain, and to cater to millions of Hindus worldwide, WheresMyPandit has entered the field of mobile-commerce with the launch of its mobile application. Built for Android users, WheresMyPandit expects an increase by three times for both inquiries and sales after the launch of the application. And, post the launch of the iOS application near to the Diwali season, it will multiply by nearly five times. Not only can you book a pandit with a simple click through the application, but in the future, you can also chat or talk to the pandit to help you with various intricacies such as Muhurat timings and information about the puja on a real-time basis. A real-time tracking of the panditji will also be made available so you don't miss out on your muhurat timings while the pandit is on his way to conduct the puja. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3415 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 975 | Comments: 0
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Do you want to live a kingdom driven life? Do you want to discover your divine purpose? Do you want to discover the life you were born to live and ignite it with passion? The kingdom driven life by Pastor Sunday Adelaja is a book that will help you to do just that. You may have been battling with questions like, what on earth am I here for? What is the purpose of life? Matthew 6:33, Jesus instructs us to seek first the Kingdom. Seeking the kingdom of God should be our priority. If we are going to make a significant impact on the earth, possess and disciple nations; we need to understand the precepts and principles of the kingdom. Pastor Sunday Adelaja’s book will help you discover God’s priority for mankind, your original purpose for existence, and the source of meaning behind life. You will be equipped with the tools, and strategies for promoting and expanding the Kingdom. Many admit that this book is one of the top 3 books written in the last 1000 years. To get your own copy, click here: Tags: the kingdom driven life, kingdom driven life, purpose driven life, purpose of life, the purpose driven life, the purpose of life, purpose in life, what is the purpose of life, keys to the kingdom, seek first the kingdom of god, kingdom of god, evangelism, spiritual awakening, spiritual disciplines, personal growth, holy spirit, the holy spirit, spiritual gifts, word of faith, word of god, christian, christian books, spirituality, gospel, jesus, church, christianity, bible study, god, bible verses, prayer, prayers, daily devotions, discipleship, what is the kingdom of god, church leaders, spiritual leadership, church growth, kindle, kindle books, kindle book
Tags // kingdom  driven  life  purpose  driven  life  purpose  of  life  the  purpose  driven  life  the  purpose  of  life  purpose  in  life 
Categories // Family  People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 3417 days ago by SundayAdelajaa
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 862 | Comments: 2
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This season, the House of Givenchy, under the initiative of Artistic Director Riccardo Tisci, is bringing an exceptional collection to New York, as the city represents the capital of the American dream for the designer and for the founder Hubert de Givenchy, who were both supported from the very beginning by the American market. On September 11th 2015, New York hosted a performance show dedicated to love and sharing. With a décor of recycled materials installed on the banks of the Hudson in Tribeca, there was an unprecedented audience in attendance: professionals from the fashion world rubbed shoulders with celebrities, fashion-school students, winners of a competition organized in partnership with the city, and local residents from the neighbourhood. The website and giant screens installed across the city, from Soho to Times Square, also broadcast the show live, while advertising buses made their way across the Bronx, Harlem, and Queens inviting a wide a number as possible to follow the event. With Marina Abramović, a friend of the House and co-author of numerous artistic projects, Riccardo Tisci created a performance which reached beyond the scope of fashion. Designed to be an emotional experience focusing on universal themes (love, peace, freedom, humility, spirituality), it notably put the spotlight on four artists who performed spiritual and cultural chants from across the world. True to form, Marina Abramović also invited seven artists to host live performances on the show's location. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3438 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 966 | Comments: 0
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This season, the House of Givenchy, under the initiative of Artistic Director Riccardo Tisci, is bringing an exceptional collection to New York, as the city represents the capital of the American dream for the designer and for the founder Hubert de Givenchy, who were both supported from the very beginning by the American market. On September 11th 2015, New York hosted a performance show dedicated to love and sharing. With a décor of recycled materials installed on the banks of the Hudson in Tribeca, there was an unprecedented audience in attendance: professionals from the fashion world rubbed shoulders with celebrities, fashion-school students, winners of a competition organized in partnership with the city, and local residents from the neighbourhood. The website and giant screens installed across the city, from Soho to Times Square, also broadcast the show live, while advertising buses made their way across the Bronx, Harlem, and Queens inviting a wide a number as possible to follow the event. With Marina Abramović, a friend of the House and co-author of numerous artistic projects, Riccardo Tisci created a performance which reached beyond the scope of fashion. Designed to be an emotional experience focusing on universal themes (love, peace, freedom, humility, spirituality), it notably put the spotlight on four artists who performed spiritual and cultural chants from across the world. True to form, Marina Abramović also invited seven artists to host live performances on the show's location. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3438 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 906 | Comments: 0
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Triumph of the Spirit is about a young man named Matthew who embarks on an incredible journey leading to his self-realization as a powerful spiritual being. He learns certain universal truths that awaken his mind and soul to humanity’s true potential and in the process, discovers his own divine purpose. Find out more at #TriumphoftheSpirit YA/SciFi
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3556 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 1084 | Comments: 0



Spiritual Battles
Tags // battle  of  the  mind 
Categories // Music  Family  Webcam 
Added: 3702 days ago by forhimforever
Runtime: 3m36s | Views: 909 | Comments: 3



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