Share your videos with the world

Advertise on ClipMoon

ClipMoon is a fast growing video sharing portal with visitors from all over the world.
Interested in advertising on ClipMoon? We currently offer Banner and Text Ads in many sizes.

Banner (pixels) CPM CPC  1 week  1 month
Leaderboard (728x90) 6 EUR  0,30 EUR (min. 100 clicks)  40 EUR  120 EUR
Banner (468x60) 5 EUR  0,30 EUR (min. 100 clicks)  24 EUR  70 EUR
Medium rectangle (300x250) 6 EUR  0,30 EUR (min. 100 clicks)  30 EUR  100 EUR
Small Square (200x200) 5 EUR  0,30 EUR (min. 100 clicks)  24 EUR  70 EUR
Skyscraper (125x400,120x600,160x600) 6 EUR  0,30 EUR (min. 100 clicks)  24 EUR  70 EUR
Half Banner (234x60) 4 EUR  0,30 EUR (min. 100 clicks)  16 EUR  40 EUR
Small Banner (120x120,125x125,120x240) 4 EUR  0,30 EUR (min. 100 clicks)  16 EUR  40 EUR

Our Text Ads starting from 10 EUR per week.

We accept payments via PayPal and bank wire.
We are also searching for a site sponsor.
If you have any questions, or would like to book a campaign, please contact us. We will always reply to you within 24 hours. Thank you!

Sincerely your ClipMoon Team

Advertisement Video on ClipMoon

You can place your advertisement video on ClipMoon and show it to hundreds of visitors daily.
Your video will be rotating on the first position of the featured videos on the home page.

Video specifications:
Up to 100 MB video size and up to 10 minutes video length per video. It will be hosted on ClipMoon until you remove it.
It costs only 20 EUR one time fee per video.

1. Simply click on the PayPal button below to pay now for your advertisement video:

2. After your payment please contact us with your PayPal e-mail address and the name of your advertisement video.

3. Log into your account and upload your advertisement video.

Now you are done.

Remember: It is not allowed to upload a video to ClipMoon, which includes advertising content without paying for it.

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