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Hello. I'm pabear48.

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3349 days ago
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5813 days ago
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6574 times
Robert Vincent
About Me:
Bob has been a rather private author/artist over the years. He is now in his sixties! His art has been on display in government buildings, and many businesses over the years. Once his family talked him into sending 13 works to the Ramsey County Fair in Minnesota. His art works took the Blue Ribbons. But, none were ever offered for sale to the public! Bob felt bad he took so many of the ribbons he thought should have gone to other artists in the displays and refused from that day to put any on public display showings. Only a few selected works were allowed to hang in government buildings. In 2009 family and friends prompted Bob to offer his art creations for public sale! This was accepted by Bob and it started the Limited Special Prints and Very Limited Museum Quality Canvas Prints. Bob worked for weeks with our art printers company as they tested each print run and it had to pass his inspection and perspective as HE sees his art creations. All art prints do pass his review! Now Bob has designed over 90000 products with his art and has created items for the entire family like clothing, mugs, office and home products and art for the decor..... ( )
Current City:
Arkansas City
Current Zip:
United States
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Added: 3874 days ago
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